4PLAY.ZIP 101,072 11-14-93 4 Play is a Windows version of the classicConnect 4 game.
4WINS.ZIP 18,040 12-07-93 4 WINs is a Windows version of the classicConnect 4 game.
9POKWIN.ZIP 397,783 11-08-93 Poke-It Poker! for Windows_ Las Vegas VideoPoker! From the makers of World Empire II,this immensely addictive game accur- atelysimulates the real thing thing. AND IT'S ALOT CHEAPER! Take my word for it. I've loston
ABM_CMD.ZIP 30,801 06-09-93 ABM CommandKent Rollins; $0A Windows 3.X version of the old Atariclassic, Missile Command. This gameshould really only be played on 386or better machines. SmartBombs, MIRVs,Bonus Cities, etc.
ADA_T100.ZIP 205,511 11-17-93 Ada Towers; Freeware game for windows
AESOP11.ZIP 195,001 11-08-93 Aesop's Fables in Windows .HLP File Format
AMAZE384.ZIP 164,314 09-07-93 3-D Maze Games For Windows.
ASTLITE.ZIP 137,679 07-20-93 Astro-Lite 1.1 is a Windows program thatwill pop up each morning and give you yourhoroscope for the day, in either a seriousor funny version. Requires Windows 3.1 anda '386 or better PC. Shareware ($20) fromFlat Bro
ASYLUM10.ZIP 291,776 08-06-93 ASYLUM - Mind Bending Terror; Fournightmarish puzzles await you in the Asylum.One is deceptively easy, the others arefiendishly difficult! So accept thechallenge, you have nothing to lose but yourmind! Requires Wind
ATOMS21A.ZIP 34,965 11-07-93 Atoms -- A simple puzzle game for Windows 3.Atoms is easy to learn and play. Includesfull on-line help. Mouse driven interface.Version 2.1 Saves player names and besttimes for each of four difficulty levels.
AZTEC.ZIP 32,751 07-08-93 ╓───── THE AZTEC CURSE (FOR WINDOWS) ──────║Are you ready to UNRAVEL the MYSTERY of║this ancient Aztec puzzle?? This diabolical║mind-bender will keep you challenged for║hours on end! REMEMBER-There is a SOLUTION!║R
BABYSTF1.ZIP 30,736 11-14-93 Baby Stuff. V1.0: MS-Windows program allowsinfants 18-months to 4-yrs to create shapescolors by pounding on the keyboard. good forlearning shapes, colors, hand/eyecoordination, or for just having fun.VBRUN200.DLL is
BDD150.ZIP 124,529 09-23-93 Battles in a Distant Desert v1.50: MS-Windowstrategy game that consists of a collectionof battles which could have taken placeduring Operation Desert Storm. PC speaker anmultimedia-compatible sound card support.
BEAR_BEE.ZIP 205,683 06-20-93 Bear_bee.txt . . . about "The Bear and theBee." A children's book. This is a sharewarproduct from LeftJustified Publiks
BIBLEP10.ZIP1,050,543 12-20-93 BIBLE PLUS version 1.0 - New TestamentNew KJV Bible research and lookup tool.Windows version! Quickly looks up versesand builds essays for Bible study.Can attach notes to any verse. Fastand easy to use.By Contact
BIGNM105.ZIP 27,010 07-08-93 Big Number Cruncher v1.05: MS-Windows utilitthat can handle big integers that evenmainframe computers can't handle - add,subtract, multiply, divide, and factornumbers up to 45 digits long. RequiresVBRUN300.DLL. 07/0
BLWIN350.ZIP 91,035 08-16-93 Block-Logic v3.50 for Windows
BOXEM10.ZIP 619,664 09-29-93 Boxem v1.0: MS-Windows board game suitablefor both children and adults w/high fidelitypictures (256 colors) and sounds (22,000 Hz*.WAV format) to make the playing experiencemore enjoyable; allows you to add your ow
BRAINJ14.ZIP 42,524 06-06-93 Brain Jam v1.4: MS-Windows solitaire game,card puzzle. 06/06/93. Brain Jam Publication
CALCPD10.ZIP 32,663 06-05-93 CalcPad v1.0: MS-Win scientific calculatorprogram w/an editable input text window,scrollable output pad allowing errors to becorrected after the expression is evaluated,& more. 06/05/93. Duanfeng He. 06/05/93.
CALCSOL.ZIP 71,703 01-16-94 CALCULATION SOLITAIRE FOR WINDOWS <ASP>Calculation Solitaire Card Game for Windows-Calculation Solitaire is a solitaire cardgame for Window s 3.x. All the featuresyou've come to expect from Windows cardgames, includ
CANFIELD.ZIP 103,896 01-16-94 CANFIELD FOR WINDOWS V1.01 <ASP>Canfield Solitaire Card Game for Windows-Canfield is a Shareware solitaire card gamefor Windows 3.x. Lots of bells and whistles(plus some surprises), such as: Cheating(!),Card-Draggi
CARDSWS1.ZIP 124,671 10-11-93 -=-=-=-=- CardsWorkShop V1.0 =-=-=-=-=-CardsWorkShop is a integrated editor/compiler/player allowing the quickdesign and play of solitary card games.The language used ressembled PASCAL andis kinda object oriented.
CENTL091.ZIP 255,113 09-02-93 Statistics - explore central limit theorem
CFK10T.ZIP 79,315 02-10-94 Cash For Kids 1.0T: An easy way for yourchildren to save money and spend it wisely.Tracks funds and deposits allowancesautomatically. Your child sets futurespending goals and graphs show whether theyare reachable. I
CLRBK10.ZIP 813,434 12-27-93 SCHOOL-MOM for Windows Vol 1, v1.0; First ina series of children's educational productsfor Windows from Motes Education Software.This first version is both a delightfulcoloring book for kids and a powerfulgraphics t
CODEBRA.ZIP 49,695 06-10-93 CodeBreaker v1.0; Game of Cunning and Logic.You must use your skills of deduction to helyou break a computer generated code.
COLOR12.ZIP 40,293 08-22-93 Audio/visual color educational tutor for kid
CORRECT.ZIP 59,234 08-25-93 Correct! is a multiple choice quiz program
CPW_A001.ZIP 429,268 03-09-94 CHEMPAL for WINDOWS. Neat program, an alpharelease. I chatted with the author and he'sgot a bunch more quiz files available and aquiz editor. Periodic Table Teacher andmultiquiz bank system.
CRIB.ZIP 67,033 01-04-94 CRIBBAGE for Microsoft Windows 3.X
CWDLX20.ZIP 207,504 11-10-93 Cross Words Deluxe v2.0; Windows electroniccrossword puzzle book. Includes: 4 displaymodes, font selection, automatic answerchecking with cross-off, progress report,solve timer, clue assistance, answer peek,show co
D4WIN20.ZIP 246,864 10-11-93 Destroyer for Windows 3.1 v2.0: Board gamesimilar to Battleship.
DBM10.ZIP 121,235 06-21-93 Double Match 1.0; FAST and FUN game forWindows! Players match pictures to revealparts of a hidden phrase. Features funanimation, sound effects, human/computeropponents and top-10 hi-scores. Sound Blasteor Windows s
DOMINA10.ZIP 103,636 07-22-93 Dominate v1.0 for Windows 3.1; From the mistof time comes DOMINATE. Based on a gameplayed by warriors in ancient China, DOMINATis the ultimate in strategy. Test your willagainst the computer and see if you have thep
DPROUPD2.ZIP 399,199 08-04-93 The Dprotecter v3.1 for Windows; Adds a newTSR library, plus many more unprotects. Alsoincluded is a setup routine that greatlyeases installation. Online documentationexplains how to use the program, plus manyinter
DRAGC300.ZIP 62,260 07-10-93 Drag City U.S.A. 3.0 for Windows. Race yourcar w/soundblaster support.
DUCKHUNT.ZIP 326,944 10-18-93 Shoot ducks as they fly by, similar to olderarcade game.
EUCH11.ZIP 132,665 09-22-93 The rules to Euchre and playing of this gameare included in the Windows help file. thisversion is freeware
FFL93B.ZIP 54,319 08-12-93 Fantasy Football League Computer 1993: 256color vga support; mouse support; completemenuing system; enhanced scoring procedures;fully configurable team/player info; fullprinting support; save each week in a datafile
FIGURP05.ZIP 143,420 02-21-94 FigurePic v0.5: MS-Windows game that blendslogic and art into an addicting puzzle. reqVBRUN200.DLL.
FLASH_30.ZIP 168,739 02-03-94 WinFlash v3.0; This major upgrade addsfonts, colors, .BMP graphics, .WAV sounds ana new "Auto Learn" mode which customizes theselection of questions to focus on those notyet learned. Questions and answers can be up
FLSHCRDS.ZIP 112,972 09-26-93 Flash card system for win
FS101.ZIP 131,960 09-23-93 ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ FOUR SEASONS 1.01 ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓New solitaire for Windows, feature-packed,addictive, and fun! Shareware by Randy Rasa.─────────── Requires VBRUN200.DLL ──────────
GEMPW15.ZIP 165,651 10-28-93 WORLD EMPIRE II; 5 Stars to this WIN 3World Conquest game! 139 Countries to ConqueBlend strategy and luck to conquer the world
GETALIFE.ZIP 65,277 08-17-93 GetaLife v1.0; This is a new version ofConway's "Game of Life" for MicrosoftWindows. It features file operations forloading and saving Life patterns, onscreenediting capabilities like those found ingraphics program
GRAPHICN.ZIP 679,372 09-01-93 Graphicon allows you to study parameterizedfunctions in an interactive way. You canchange the parameters of a given function ansee the resulting function curve immediately
HANGWIN.ZIP 167,554 02-06-94 HANGWIN v1.70; HangWin is the traditionalhangman word game in a Windows 3.1 package.Words puzzles are randomly chosen from a texfile which can be user supplied. Guess thepuzzle before the prisoner hangs! For fun,t
HDSK01.ZIP 245,908 11-14-93 HIDE 'N SEEK WORD GAME FOR WINDOWS v1.0; Funand educational word search for Windows- Kidlove word search type games. Teachers useword search to reinforce lessons. Hide 'nSeek is a word search type game for Windowsth
HEYBLOX.ZIP 203,582 09-11-93 HEY!BLOX v1.0; program for building 3Dobjects out of cubes.
HNGWN130.ZIP 160,672 10-10-93 HANGWIN v1.30; HangWin is the traditionalhangman word game in a Windows 3.1 package.Words are randomly chosen from a text filewhich can be user supplied. Guess the wordbefore the prisoner hangs! For fun, theprison
JWLTHF.ZIP 72,647 10-01-93 JEWEL THIEF V1.4 Jewel Thief is an excitinggame where you travel to far away places andcollect jewels while avoiding restlessnatives. Features animation, high scores,speed options, and cheat mode. Req. Win 3.x,EGA o
KID210.ZIP 139,646 10-26-93 KIDWARE - EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE v.2.10 <ASP>Educational activities for kids 9-14Windows - 6 programs for skillslearned in the classroom. Includes: Mathspelling, typing tutor, logic,graphics and puzzle modules. Requir
KNGCRN12.ZIP 136,668 06-04-93 King's Corners v1.2: classic solitaire gamefor MS-Windows. You need to place Jacks,Queens, Kings in the corners of the grid. ReVBRUN200.DLL. 06/04/93. Stephen R Woods,Financial Systems Associates, Inc.
LATIN35.ZIP 48,376 07-24-93 Lingua Latina vIII.V: MicroSoft Windowsprogram that teaches the basics of Latingrammar. Req. VBRUN200.DLL
LAWJK102.ZIP 34,714 08-07-93 Lawyer-Joke-a-Day v1.02: MS-Windows utilitythat displays a new lawyer joke every timeyou start Windows. req VBRUN300.DLL.
MAGIC104.ZIP 413,011 12-23-93 Magic Squares v1.04; This is a Windowseducational game for kids age 7 to 11. A 3by 3 grid of 9 numbers is shown where eachrow, column and diagonal all add to the samenumber. This number is know as the magicnumber.
MEDWAR11.ZIP 195,788 01-13-94 MEDWAR v1.1 - Medieval War; Windows basedwargame set in medieval times. MEDWAR allowsfor up to six human or computer players,play-by- mail games, handicapping with 24strength levels, and 14 types of pieces.Documenta
MIETAB30.ZIP 63,186 07-02-93 MIETAB can calculate the Mie efficiencyfactors and phase functions for homogeneousspheres in the size parameter range 0.01 to400 at up to 181 angles. It allows loopingover up to 101 sizes in a singlecomputational "r
MRPILL.ZIP 79,927 12-22-93 MrPill 3.1: The object is to keep MrPillmoving through a continuous pipe conduit.You must arrange the pieces of pipe so thattheir continuity is preserved. Each pipetraversed is erased and earns you points.If MrPill
NAMEGM10.ZIP 45,751 06-19-93 Name of the Game v1.0: MS-Windows card gamethat actually consists of a series of cardpuzzles.
NEDWORLD.ZIP 96,664 07-04-93 Neural network game for Windows - teach Nedto stay alive
NMMW07.ZIP 39,858 10-12-93 Nine Men Morris game for Windows.
PETRARKA.ZIP 137,546 10-13-93 PETRARKA v2.1; Program for Petri Netsreachability and minimal structure analysis.It lets to create a Petry Net graph and buila reachability tree for current PN structuremarking.
POKITPOK.ZIP 217,301 11-08-93 Poke-It Poker! for Windows; Las Vegas VideoPoker! From the makers of World Empire II,this immensely addictive game accur- atelysimulates the real thing thing. AND IT'S ALOT CHEAPER! Take my word for it. I've loston
PRGSL11.ZIP 21,104 01-09-94 Progslot v1.1: MS-Windows progressive slotmachine program that includes an autoplayfeature, tracking of 'win' statistics, & theability to adjust the reel spin speed tomatch your computer speed. req mouse.
PT202A.ZIP 307,406 10-27-93 Periodic Table v2.02 for Windows 3.1 [1/2]The ultimate periodic table. It shows all110 chemical elements. Gives over 30 dataitems for each one. View element details onmultiple elements via its MDI interface. Itha
PT202B.ZIP 173,928 10-27-93 Periodic Table 2.02 for Windows 3.1 [2/2]The ultimate periodic table.
PTABLE.ZIP 119,918 08-08-93 Well done periodic table for win
QUENZR10.ZIP 84,379 06-15-93 Quenzar's Caverns v1.0: MS-Windows dungeongame which combines action and logic. ReqsVBRUN200.DLL.
QUIZMAN.ZIP 565,156 07-12-93 QuizMan v2.1; Windows program that allows yoto make, edit and administer quizes. Quizscan be made with 256 color bitmaps attachedto each question.( if your system suports 25color ). QuizMan was developed to assist bo
RANGOON.ZIP 97,633 10-14-93 Rangoon is a game of solitaire
ROBOTS.ZIP 51,682 10-19-93 Robots is a solitaire-like game
RUNNER10.ZIP 137,075 08-29-93 Runner v1.0: fast paced arcade game forMSWindows. your runner must traverse fromlevel to level by turning on the controllights and escaping through the teleportdoor, while out running and out-smarting, thenemy runne
SHOOTSB.ZIP 29,948 09-14-93 Small little shooting gallery where you shoobeer bottles. Sound Blaster Support.
SIMMAP10.ZIP 233,922 08-02-93 SimMap for Windows allows you to edit orcreate SimCity city files.
SNW10A.ZIP 137,035 12-10-93 Spin 'n' Win 1.0a is a Windows 3.1 game thatplays like hangman with a Las Vegas twist!Players take turns spinning spinners andguessing letters to solve a phrase. Supports1-3 players, an editable phrase file, top-10h
SPANIT.ZIP 176,431 07-01-93 Span-It: a two-player connect-the-dot gamefor Windows 3.1.
STE2V10.ZIP 108,702 06-14-93 Slider II v1.0 Puzzle for MS-Windows3.xWindows puzzle consisting of sliding blocksof various sizes. Move the earth block fromthe upper left corner to the lower right.
STICKM10.ZIP 45,465 06-04-93 StickEm v1.0: MS-Windows game where theobject is to be the first to discard allshape cards. Shapes consist of 5 connectingsticks, & you may move only one stick perturn in any match attempt. Timed game,pause/resume,
STLEMP10.ZIP 188,625 09-06-93 STELLAR EMPIRES for Windows v1.0; Fast pacedstrategic game of galactic conquest. Randomlgenerated star maps, 50 to 1500 stars, 2 to12 players, varying levels of difficulty,tough computer opponents, and more...makesf
SUBTK10.ZIP 264,442 01-05-94 Sub TrackerÖ for Windows! Created to use fulWindows Wave Sound feature using a SoundCard, Board etc...
SVPOKE.ZIP 198,222 06-06-93 Great Video Poker For Win, Casino Play (VGA)
SWATM11.ZIP 18,643 06-12-93 SwatM v1.1: MS-Windows game where you have tswat the various objects that appear on thescreen w/options for speed, number of objectand kind of objects. Req VBRUN300.DLL.
S_D24.ZIP 91,453 10-02-93 Search and Destroy v2.4; Windows battleshipprogram. Supports Sound and much more!
TAILGUN.ZIP 106,946 08-25-93 TailGunner v1.0; TailGunner is a Windowsspace combat shoot-the-bad-guy type game.Shoot all the ships before they kill you. Yoare the Tail turret gunner on a futuristicspaceship that is making a run out of enemyterri
TANKTK15.ZIP 306,536 01-05-94 Tank Tracker for Windows! Created to use fulWindows Wave Sound feature using a SoundCard, Board etc...
TBMBCY10.ZIP 252,375 12-12-93 Time Bomb City v1.0-arcade style game forWindows.
TLCWRD20.ZIP 632,440 12-04-93 TLC Word Game is a Windows 3.x program thatis something like Scrabble and something likUpwords -- but a lot different than either.The game comes with a 26000 word Englishdictionary. There are 16 different sets ofrul
TOWNS11.ZIP 87,694 12-07-93 Towns v1.1 Puzzle for MS-Windows3.1Windows version of a puzzle from OMNImagazine. Solve it for a $5000 prize.(bugfix only from v1.0)
TRE7.ZIP 302,516 11-12-93 Italian Tresette game
TTIME12.ZIP 168,664 09-29-93 Tee Time 1.2; Requires MS-Windows 3.x ineither standard or enhanced modes. This is adescendant of Tetris, but a breed apart. Itis very much a game of strategy and anintricate puzzle which involves the placemenof Tet
TXPLNFIX.ZIP 55,502 11-09-93 Treatment plan for Idiots for Windowsw/threed.vbx.
UFOTK10.ZIP 276,166 11-29-93 Windows UFO shoot'em up game
ULTIMA.ZIP 397,695 06-07-93 Ultima 21 Deluxe For Windows v1.0c; AnExcellent Fun And Challenging BlackJack GameRequires VBRUN300.DLL (included)
UNO11.ZIP 117,742 11-28-93 Hot Death UNO v1.1; NOT, repeat, NOT a"family" game! However cute and innocentordinary UNO may be, the Hot Death variationcontains several obscenities and "adult"references. It is also not 100 percent"politically
WALIEN20.ZIP 227,615 03-03-94 Win Aliens v2.00; Very good arcade game forWindows 3.1 with great animations. A musthave for everyone who likes arcade games.This game uses high-tech programming methodson Windows to render a high speed SpaceInvader
WATORW11.ZIP 53,440 08-12-93 Wa-Tor for Windows v1.1; Population ecologysimulation. Pit hungry sharks against tastyfish and see who comes out on top. Getfluctuating populations that will exist forhundreds of generations. Control the initialnu
WBASKET1.ZIP 234,644 12-15-93 2-player Basketball v1.2a for windows 3.x
WBRIDG32.ZIP 322,643 12-19-93 Bridge card game
WDSTK11.ZIP 62,857 06-13-93 Wordstalk 1.11 for Windows: a boggle-likeword game with a computer opponent. 06/13/93
WF1-0-1.ZIP 86,086 08-15-93 Wheel of Fun Version 1.0.1; Fun word puzzlegame for 1 to 5 players. Req. Windows v3.1
WFRNCHVB.ZIP 20,450 07-09-93 Windows: Learn French verbs.
WINDOG10.ZIP 215,123 07-20-93 Prairie Dog Hunt for Windows (WinDog) v1.0:ultimate arcade game where you shoot helplesprairie dogs in glorious 256 color action.Requires VBRUN200.DLL
WINGO1.ZIP 143,487 07-29-93 "GO" the game for Windows
WINSIEGE.ZIP 200,420 07-15-93 Siege! for windows 1.1; Use strategy tocapture land. Play computer players withartificial inteligence or a friend via modemor network. Train computer characters andmatch them against each other. History ofplayer is
WINWHE17.ZIP 422,077 11-07-93 WINWHEEL v1.70; Wheel of Fortune/Hangman typword game- A Wheel of Fortune/Hangman typeword guessing game for Windows 3.X. Featurescolorful graphics, 1-3 players, 6 rounds,sound on/off, autowin after all letters used
WJ3-0.ZIP 235,428 01-09-94 Winjack 3.0. Best Blackjack, New, BetterGraphics!
WMATCH40.ZIP 42,652 01-24-94 Win Match v4.0: MS-Windows card game. Theobject is to move the face cards to the toptree rows, with Kings on top row, thenQueens, then Jacks while removing nonefacecards one-pair at a time. VBRUN300.DLL req'd
WNMATH11.ZIP 42,345 06-12-93 WinMath v1.1: MS-Windows educational programfor children to practice their basic mathskills. Req VBRUN300.DLL. 06/12/93. Jim Fox,Mainstay Computer.
WRDTREAS.ZIP 666,052 11-07-93 Word Treasure for Windows; You've seen thosebooks on building a better vocabulary. WordTreasure has 500 college level words, eachone with its pronunciation, definition, andusage. Contains Win & DOS vr., setup, help,
WROIDS10.ZIP 222,141 09-19-93 Asteroids for Windows. Uses ray tracedgraphics and support multimedia sound. State386/33 as required min.
WSEVAL11.ZIP 200,533 07-15-93 Siege! for windows 1.1; Use strategy tocapture land. Play computer players withartificial inteligence or a friend via modemor network. Train computer characters andmatch them against each other.
WSLAM.ZIP 46,614 09-21-93 Slam! for Windows; Air Hockey game with goodinteraction between the puck and the paddlesand quite realistic. Don't recommend runningthis game on anything less than a 33MHz 386D
WT170.ZIP 122,599 07-06-93 WinTrek v1.70; This game is written as a MDIapplication. Includes Strategic, Tactical,and Ship Status windows.
WTHINGS.ZIP 239,409 06-06-93 Thieves and Kings card games for Windows
YACHT221.ZIP 27,002 06-13-93 Yacht is a Windows dice game that requiresboth skill and luck. Yacht can be played asa solitaire game, where the goal is toachieve the all-time high score, or againstanother player to beat the opponent's score
YALIFE.ZIP 157,465 12-11-93 Windows implementation of the game of Life,together with its source.
YAPTABLE.ZIP 57,440 11-03-93 Periodic Table for Windows v1.0; Ptable is aperiodic table presented as a Windows 3.1help file. Click on any element to bring upinformation about that element. There arehypertext links to background information.
ZANPG1.ZIP 572,013 09-29-93 More Graphics for Zanti! v1.2b Windows Game
ZANTI.ZIP 244,734 09-06-93 ZANTI! v1.2b; Windows 3.x game that requiresyou to visualize and think ahead! The objecof the game is to guide the Zanti invadersalong the garden path until they reach theending Path piece. Supports 256-colors